Dental Services
Did you know that 85% of dogs over the age of three have periodontal disease?
Unfortunately only about 3% of those dogs receive treatment.
Dental CareOral infection can lead to much more serious health issues than just "Smelly Kisses"! That infection can spread through the bloodstream and cause heart, lung, kidney, and liver problems. This makes your pets' oral health crucial to their overall well-being. Ideally each pet should have their teeth brushed twice daily just like their owners! However; we realize this is not realistic and next to impossible. This is one reason why we recommend physical exams every six months. Don't wait to have your pets' bad breath investigated!
Dental cleaning under anesthesia is the only treatment for periodontal disease. This involves scaling each tooth to remove the plaque and tarter, extracting any teeth that are damaged, cracked, or broken, and then polishing the remaining teeth. To help your pet keep their freshly polished teeth clean, you can offer a dental care chew or treat that has been treated with special enzymes to help break down any tarter buildup.